List of Passengers with Men from Capari Arriving in the USA (1906 & 1907)
I was extremely excited to find ship records with people from Capari listed as passengers. While searching through English language records from that time period, it is important to search both Capari and Tsapari. Also, many of the names of the men from Capari are misspelled on the documents and when entered into the databases. I included what I believe to be the correct spellings of the names next to the spellings that are listed in the databases. If I have made any mistakes, please contact me. :)
Before you view the images it also important to know that not only did they butcher the spellings of the names, but they also went back and changed how the men identified themselves. On both records, under "Race or People" Macedonian is initially written and under "Nationality (country of which citizen or subject)" Bulgaria and/or Turkey is written in. (This was during the time that Macedonia was occupied.)
Unfortunately, on both records, Macedonian has been crossed out with a different pen and handwriting and replaced with Bulg, Bulgarian, or Turkey. Also, Bulgaria has been crossed out with a different pen and handwriting and replaced with Macedonia. At the bottom of the ship records, "Race or People" is defined as being "the stock from which they sprang and the language they speak" with a statement saying "List of races will be found on the back of this sheet." I'd like to see a copy of the back of the sheet. I'm almost certain Macedonian was not listed at that time, while Bulgarian was. This may explain why someone went back with a different pen and crossed out Macedonian, even though the men from Capari identified themselves as Macedonians.
100 years have passed and people are still attempting to change our identity.
100 years later and we are still Macedonians.
Before you view the images it also important to know that not only did they butcher the spellings of the names, but they also went back and changed how the men identified themselves. On both records, under "Race or People" Macedonian is initially written and under "Nationality (country of which citizen or subject)" Bulgaria and/or Turkey is written in. (This was during the time that Macedonia was occupied.)
Unfortunately, on both records, Macedonian has been crossed out with a different pen and handwriting and replaced with Bulg, Bulgarian, or Turkey. Also, Bulgaria has been crossed out with a different pen and handwriting and replaced with Macedonia. At the bottom of the ship records, "Race or People" is defined as being "the stock from which they sprang and the language they speak" with a statement saying "List of races will be found on the back of this sheet." I'd like to see a copy of the back of the sheet. I'm almost certain Macedonian was not listed at that time, while Bulgarian was. This may explain why someone went back with a different pen and crossed out Macedonian, even though the men from Capari identified themselves as Macedonians.
100 years have passed and people are still attempting to change our identity.
100 years later and we are still Macedonians.
S.S. Lucania
Sailing from Liverpool - March 31, 1906
Arriving at Port of New York - April 7, 1906
Final Destination
The Casparis Stone Company Floor? 2
Kenneth, Indiana USA
Going to join friends Naoum Toleff (Naume Tolev/Talev?), Christo Dinoff (Risto Dinov?) Nicola Petreff (Nikola Petrev?), Naoum Dimitreff (Naume Dimitrev?), and Gache Toleff (Goshe/Goce Tolev?/Talev?).
Passengers from Tsapari (Capari)
6. Laze Stavreff (Laze Stavrev?)
7. Gache Stavreff (Goshe/Goce Stavrev?)
8. Traitche Blyeff (Trajche Blazev?)
9. Vaoum Goscheff (Naum Goshev?)
10. Koste Nibreff (Koste Nitrev?)

S.S. Ivernia
Sailing from Liverpool - March 9, 1907
Arriving at Port of Boston, Massachusetts, USA - March 28, 1907
Final Destination -
The Casparis Stone Company Floor? 2
Kenneth, Indiana USA
Going to join friends Apostol Lazeff Sazdanoff (Apostol Laze Sazdanov), Tane Petreff (Tane Petrev?), Moise Ivantcheff (Mojse Ivanchev?), Nicola Petreff (Nikola Petrev?), Moise Jovancheff (Mojse Jovanchev?), Mihail Gacheff (Mihajl Goshev?) Jovan Tantcheff (Jovan Tanchev?), Riste Dineff (Riste Dinev?).
Passengers from Tsapari (Capari)
1. Kateff Haamn Dantcheff (Naume Kote Donchov)
2. Velian Krsteff (Veljan Krstev?)
3. Tador Gheorghieff (Todor Gjorgiev?)
4. Costandin Petreff (Kostadin Petrev?)
5. Nicola Vassileff (Nikola Vasilev?)
6. Lazar Petreff (Lazar Petrev?)
7. Spiro Gacheff (Spiro Goshev?)
8. Lazor Andanoff (Lazar Andonov?)
9. Costandin Spiroff (Kostadin Spirov?)
10. Tachka Grozdanoff (Tashko Grozdanov?)
17. Ghiorghi Jovantcheff (Gjorgi Jovanchev?)
S.S. Ivernia
Sailing from Liverpool - March 9, 1907
Arriving at Port of Boston, Massachusetts, USA - March 28, 1907
Final Destination -
? 27, Vicksburg?, Indiana
Going to join friend Mitre Petreff (Mitre Petrev?).
Passengers from Tsapari (Capari)
13. Costandin Vassileff (Kostadin Vasilev?)
16. Rizan Tasseff (Rizan Tasev?)

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